Category Archives: building a foundation

This pretty much sums it up

My friend just highlighted the experience of her run this weekend (the first in quite some time). Which pretty much sums up how I felt during my first run on asphalt.

Um, yeah. It sucks.

Lesson learned: elipitcal does not even come close to mimicing what actual running on solid ground feels like. Which, I suppose, IS the point… the ellipitcal being all low-impact and what-not. But still? Caught me off guard.

My hour on the feet was something like: jog – walk – jog – walk – stretch – walk – walk – walk.


I’m a little worried about what a group run is going to feel like, but I’m being bad and missing another weekend since I’m SKYDIVING this weekend. And since it’s a 3 1/2 hour drive to our skydiving location, I just can’t see getting a run in on Saturday.

Guess that means I’ll have to torture myself on Sunday. We’ll see how this week goes to determine the amount. 😉

It’s Go Time

Hi there. Remember me? I know (again) it’s been quite some time since my last post. I was sowing the last of my wild oats (for the moment) as this week marks an increase in my training. Instead of once-a-week sessions with Rehab United, I’m now doing two. While that may not seem like much of an increase, let me tell you, it will be. The past two Wednesday sessions have been fierce! The soreness is back and we’re doing more strength training that ever. My body is responding really well to the work and I feel myself getting stronger week by week. Not only will there be bi-weekly group trainings, I’ll also be increasing my time on my solo workouts during the rest of the week. More time on the bike, more time in the pool and time to start running on pavement.

Ah yes. Pounding the pavement.

Speaking with my rheumatologist was great. I had a list of stuff to discuss (when you only see someone every 4 months, keeping a list is crucial) and I saved my triathlon news for last. His response to the news: I KNEW you were going to say something like that.

He’s told me to do what I can tolerate and luckily for me, that seems to be everything so far. Here’s to hoping it remains that way.

Whew! How time flies!

So, I know I’ve been completely MIA for the past two weeks. I’m often amazed at how busy life can get. And, most unfortunately, I’ve been informed it only gets more hectic. Dammit! When did I become an adult, and how can I make it stop?

The past two weeks of training have been hit and miss. Wednesdays are always a hit because I love my group training and I’m always motivated to work out as hard as possible. I’m realizing that being held accountable by a group is the only way I can really work out to my fullest potential. Well, that and perhaps copmletely cutting off my social life, which I’m just not willing to do. Yet.

Intensive training begins in March, so I’m taking it “easy” for the moment. I’m focusing on strength training to build my muscles and joints so that when I do begin hardcore training, I’m ready to go. And, I’m hanging out with as many of my friends as possible this month because once that intensive training begins, I’m not going to have much time for dilly-dallying.

Speaking of dilly-dallying, I’m seriously considering cutting out alcohol for the intensive training months. Is this crazy? Perhaps. Will I break? Most likely. I’ve already begun the “well, I can have a glass of wine a week” negotiations in my head. But in all seriousness, alcohol doesn’t help ANYTHING — particularly my joints. So, we’ll see.

In other nutrition news, I’ve joined a community-supported agricultural (CSA) group. I’m BEYOND stoked because this means I’m getting organic, locally grown produce every week. Which in turn, forces me to cook with organic, locally grown produce. You see where I’m going with this? 🙂 I was also pleased to see a new Trader Joe’s location pop up on my route to work. Betwee, the CSA, TJ’s and my favorite local market, Sprouts, the nutrition part of my training is going to be a breeze. Unless someone offers me some ice cream. My kryptonite.

This week is all wonky because of work events and doctor’s appointments. I see my rheumatologist today and I’m curious to hear his response to the fact that I’m training for a triathlon. And hear his suggestions to do so effectively and safely for my joints. (And I’m asking for a doctor’s note to get massage therapy. Yay!) More coming soon.

Holy burning quads, batman.

Last night’s training session was AWESOME and NAWESOME in many ways:
1. I get to leave the office 30 minutes early (AWESOME) BUT it’s only because traffic sucks so much a** that there’s no way I’d get to Kearny Mesa by 6pm (NAWSOME). Which I didn’t last night. The freeway stopped at the 805/8 interchange and side roads proved to be fruitless. If there’s one thing that drives me completely batty, it’s sitting at a red light when there’s no one coming from the other direction. Oy vey. I’ll test out various routes and (hopefully) find one that gets me there on time.
2. The workout was a BLAST! Soooooo much fun and it really kicked my ass. (Which is actually more awesome than nawsome since it’s a good pain.) We did lots of lunges and squats in various planes (frontal is the only one I remember right now) and in between sets of 5 excercises, we ran. We finished up by combining the Race To Stop MS (herein referred to as RTS) group with the Team in Training folks and had a blast doing paired skipping, pushing, do-si-do-ing and other random things that not only made us laugh hysterically, but were also a great workout.

This morning I did some swimming and my legs weren’t too pleased with that decision. They are paying me back right now by making it difficult to walk. 🙂 I’m going to draw a bath and put some epsom salts and soak for a bit. Tomorrow is a resting day, Saturday is a swim day and Sunday will be a bike day. The BF is coming down to do some hill training. We’ll be doing repeats up and down some torturous hill in San Marcos. It is very hilly around here and if I’m ever going to commute to work, I’ve got to conquer my fear. (I HATE HILLS!) ADDITIONALLY, the bike portion of the triathlon has been described as “hilly,” which is really just a nice way of saying “you’re going to hurt.” The one consolation is that the running leg (and the LAST leg) is flat. Thankyouittybittybabyjesus.

So training rocks and I’m super motivated. Hope it lasts 5 more months!

Training begins tomorrow

As I write this, I’m eating peppermint bark from one of my favorite people. Not exactly healthy, but being that *real training* begins TOMORROW, I’m living it up tonight. I’m also having a glass of wine. 🙂

The past week has seen it’s fair share of workouts. I got two swims in: Wednesday saw an easy 600m and Sunday saw an 800m. I spent some time on a bike: last Saturday = 16 miles and a serious reality check. Damn you hills, damn you to hell. The fact that the bike portion of the triathlon is a “hilly” 30 kilometers only means I will be cursing the hills more as the weeks go on. Particularly because I have it in my head that I’ll start commuting to work (24 miles round-trip) as a means of training. Who is this person I’ve become?

Tomorrow marks the beginning of pre-season strength training. 8 weeks and counting until intensive training begins. I’m working with my coaches to see if additional work with a physical therapist will be neccessary. The swim and the bike don’t scare me — I’m just horribly out of cardio shape and that’s going to take some time to develop — but I AM terrified of the run and what it means for my joints. The phrase “pounding the pavement” came from somewhere, remember. I’ll be seeing my rheumatologist in February, so we’ll see how these next few weeks treat me. I’m glad I’m working with professionals — they’ll take good care of me! 🙂

Can’t wait to see what tomorrow evening holds for me. And away we go! Now back to the peppermint bark…

Training actually hasn’t quite begun…

So, I’m all gung ho to get started, except my official training doesn’t begin until March. I can begin running with those poor saps who are doing the Oceanside 70.3 Ironman, but more than likely, I’ll be spending my time on the elliptical until the last possible moment. I’ve begun reading about my nutrition and training schedules, but I’m most excited to get some one-on-one time with the fabulous folks at Rehab United.

The nutrition portion, I’m not SO concerned about. Generally, I have decent eating habits. It’s just that the sweet tooth that used to be my nemesis, has now evolved into a “fat tooth” (for lack of a better word). Instead of craving ice cream and Twizzlers, I now want hollandaise sauce and beurre blanc. Butter, butter and more butter please. My saving grace seems to be that I’m practically a vegetarian, since I choose to get my protein via edamame and tofu. TOnight’s supper was rice with black beans and some light sour cream. I’ll be cooking up some shelled edamame to round it all out.

So, for the moment, there’s nothing new to report. I’m going to do some yoga tonight and keep it mellow since this is the first night I’ve been in my own house in nearly a week. Measurements and what-not will wait another week. 🙂

Training begins January 5

I have an instictual feeling that says 2009 is going to be a banner year. And in a good way. Things in my life have caught up with my attitude and I seem to be reaping the benefits of staying positive in the midst of a shit storm. Well, mostly. The past few years have been, without a doubt, some of the hardest of my life and that scares me a little since I’m still under the age of 30. If these years were hard what could the future possibly hold? But then, the optimist inside reminds me that there really could be nothing worse that the past few years, so why all this what if? what if? what it? Enough with the what if. I’m living for the what now? And 2009 jump starts that mantra. Because, in 6 short months, I will be competing in an olympic-length triathlon. (Olympic = .25 mile swim; 20 mile bike; 6 mile run. VERSUS Sprint = 400M swim; 10 mile bike; 3 mile run.)

This triathlon to be more specific:

I plan on navigating through the whole training, nutrition and basic triathlon craziness here for a few reasons.

1. I have a feeling I’m going to become a bit MIA as I start training and my friends may wonder what has become of me. I’ll provide them the link here and they see I’m not dead under a rock, but rather killing myself slowly as I run, swim and bike my little heart out.
2. Being that I have rheumatoid arthritis, I’m excited to document this accomplishment. Granted, I’ll still be bitching about my joints, but at least you’ll know my excuse. 😉
3. To be brutally frank: I am literally the most out of shape I have ever been in my entire life, so we are starting from scratch. I begrudingly want to document the change my body goes through. (Which I know will be all positive minus issues with #2)

So yes, this is all true. And away I go.