It’s Go Time

Hi there. Remember me? I know (again) it’s been quite some time since my last post. I was sowing the last of my wild oats (for the moment) as this week marks an increase in my training. Instead of once-a-week sessions with Rehab United, I’m now doing two. While that may not seem like much of an increase, let me tell you, it will be. The past two Wednesday sessions have been fierce! The soreness is back and we’re doing more strength training that ever. My body is responding really well to the work and I feel myself getting stronger week by week. Not only will there be bi-weekly group trainings, I’ll also be increasing my time on my solo workouts during the rest of the week. More time on the bike, more time in the pool and time to start running on pavement.

Ah yes. Pounding the pavement.

Speaking with my rheumatologist was great. I had a list of stuff to discuss (when you only see someone every 4 months, keeping a list is crucial) and I saved my triathlon news for last. His response to the news: I KNEW you were going to say something like that.

He’s told me to do what I can tolerate and luckily for me, that seems to be everything so far. Here’s to hoping it remains that way.

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