Category Archives: nutrition

Whew! How time flies!

So, I know I’ve been completely MIA for the past two weeks. I’m often amazed at how busy life can get. And, most unfortunately, I’ve been informed it only gets more hectic. Dammit! When did I become an adult, and how can I make it stop?

The past two weeks of training have been hit and miss. Wednesdays are always a hit because I love my group training and I’m always motivated to work out as hard as possible. I’m realizing that being held accountable by a group is the only way I can really work out to my fullest potential. Well, that and perhaps copmletely cutting off my social life, which I’m just not willing to do. Yet.

Intensive training begins in March, so I’m taking it “easy” for the moment. I’m focusing on strength training to build my muscles and joints so that when I do begin hardcore training, I’m ready to go. And, I’m hanging out with as many of my friends as possible this month because once that intensive training begins, I’m not going to have much time for dilly-dallying.

Speaking of dilly-dallying, I’m seriously considering cutting out alcohol for the intensive training months. Is this crazy? Perhaps. Will I break? Most likely. I’ve already begun the “well, I can have a glass of wine a week” negotiations in my head. But in all seriousness, alcohol doesn’t help ANYTHING — particularly my joints. So, we’ll see.

In other nutrition news, I’ve joined a community-supported agricultural (CSA) group. I’m BEYOND stoked because this means I’m getting organic, locally grown produce every week. Which in turn, forces me to cook with organic, locally grown produce. You see where I’m going with this? 🙂 I was also pleased to see a new Trader Joe’s location pop up on my route to work. Betwee, the CSA, TJ’s and my favorite local market, Sprouts, the nutrition part of my training is going to be a breeze. Unless someone offers me some ice cream. My kryptonite.

This week is all wonky because of work events and doctor’s appointments. I see my rheumatologist today and I’m curious to hear his response to the fact that I’m training for a triathlon. And hear his suggestions to do so effectively and safely for my joints. (And I’m asking for a doctor’s note to get massage therapy. Yay!) More coming soon.