Tag Archives: inner dialogue

Training begins January 5

I have an instictual feeling that says 2009 is going to be a banner year. And in a good way. Things in my life have caught up with my attitude and I seem to be reaping the benefits of staying positive in the midst of a shit storm. Well, mostly. The past few years have been, without a doubt, some of the hardest of my life and that scares me a little since I’m still under the age of 30. If these years were hard what could the future possibly hold? But then, the optimist inside reminds me that there really could be nothing worse that the past few years, so why all this what if? what if? what it? Enough with the what if. I’m living for the what now? And 2009 jump starts that mantra. Because, in 6 short months, I will be competing in an olympic-length triathlon. (Olympic = .25 mile swim; 20 mile bike; 6 mile run. VERSUS Sprint = 400M swim; 10 mile bike; 3 mile run.)

This triathlon to be more specific:

I plan on navigating through the whole training, nutrition and basic triathlon craziness here for a few reasons.

1. I have a feeling I’m going to become a bit MIA as I start training and my friends may wonder what has become of me. I’ll provide them the link here and they see I’m not dead under a rock, but rather killing myself slowly as I run, swim and bike my little heart out.
2. Being that I have rheumatoid arthritis, I’m excited to document this accomplishment. Granted, I’ll still be bitching about my joints, but at least you’ll know my excuse. 😉
3. To be brutally frank: I am literally the most out of shape I have ever been in my entire life, so we are starting from scratch. I begrudingly want to document the change my body goes through. (Which I know will be all positive minus issues with #2)

So yes, this is all true. And away I go.